Strong Woman

strongwomanHow strong are you? The strong woman shows her strength by constantly lifting bigger and heavier weights. The audience gasps in amazement at these super human feats. And grimaces too as it imagines the sheer pressure bearing down.

How much are you carrying right now?

At work, or at home, when we take on too much all at once, we can quickly strain under the pressure. Yet when we take on a little more and then a little more over time, we somehow develop the ability to lift it all at once. We may not immediately notice how much we have or how heavy it is.

But others do.

How many times do people tell you that you’ve taken on too much, and how many times do you say “It’s fine. I’m enjoying it. I love to be busy”? Then we train ourselves to take on more and yet more.

When you get the reputation as a strong woman, somehow more weight is loaded on – you attract new responsibilities, new projects, new staff like a magnet. You can cope, even relish the challenge.

Until you can’t. And don’t any more.

The strong woman operates from a strong core, great technique, a clear and absolute focus all supported by a fierce connection with the ground through her feet. These are her resources which enable her to do the muscle work to continue to lift and hold up this weight, time after time.

The strong woman also knows the power of rest. The essential rest that our muscles need to build their strength.

And the strong woman uses her inner strength. This inner mental and emotional strength is the real power behind her physical prowess.

There are different ways of being strong. We can be strong in our support for others, we can be strong in the face of crisis and we can be strong in our determination to create the balance we want for ourselves and our family.

And there are also times when we don’t have to be strong.

How much load are you carrying? How does this feel to you? If it feels too much, can you imagine ways of rebalancing it, or reducing it? Can you find ways of strengthening your “core” to support it? What difference could a real rest make?

Perhaps you feel you don’t have enough weight to carry, things are too easy right now? How can you take on more, yet in a sustainable way?

In what ways do you feel strong right now?

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