Make friends with your timer!


As I start this blog post, I’ve set the timer. It’s a busy day and there is much on the to do list. But I learnt a long time ago that the best tool when under duress is my trusty kitchen timer.

What constantly amazes me is how much I can get done in 15 minutes with the timer that somehow would have spun into a whole morning job without. I am happy to tackle the jobs I find difficult to movitate myself to do, by promising myself  a quick 15 minutes stab at it. I can chip away at long term projects that I might otherwise put off until I had a whole HEAP of time and might be in the right mood. I can actually switch my mood in those 15 minutes by choosing to do something that could impact on it positively (a quick walk, a drink break, a quick blog post!).

The other way I use the timer is when I have acres of time but limited energy and motivation. Allowing myself to fully focus on one thing for those precious 15 minutes can a) get something moved forward and b) reenergise me in a way that means the rest of the day can be perked up. And, often, I find I carry on with my job, revived with the sense of direction that comes with starting something!

Now I guess that the constant ticking of an old fashioned timer isn’t for everyone, but there are modern alternatives which won’t tick and will remind you with pleasant sounds rather than a loud screech. And perhaps some jobs need a longer time set,  others a shorter time. But I’m sure you get the idea.

Test out how much you can get done in a focused 5, 10 or 15 minutes.


What could you do with a timer at your side?





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